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Bayer 退出纳米管的研发~

已有 420 次阅读2013-5-15 21:22 |系统分类:技术日志| interested, technology, everyone

you know what it is like with high potentials.你知道很大的潜力是什么样的吗?

 Initially, everyone is interested in them.最初,所有人对它们感兴趣。

 They seem to be very promising at first, cause high hopes and could even seem like the one solution everyone sought after. 开始它们好像非常有前景,人们对它有跟高的期望,似乎能够解决人们的所有问题。

Wasn’t it a bit like this with carbon nanotubes (CNT), too? With Inno.CNT even an alliance was built to explore the vast opportunities, which this new technology promised.


Well, the opportunities ARE probably vast, however the revenue stream was not. At least that is what Bayer MaterialScience felt, so the company exits the alliance project and turns back to its core competences. So the CNT technology lost a powerful supporter on its way.


Which shows again that high potentials have to deliver in the end. And for CNT this means that groundbreaking applications for the mass market will be key for a successful future.







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